It is important that your document is created using CMYK in order to produce the most accurate color possible, especially when working with images and bright colored objects. Most images use RGB color, which can make them appear slightly brighter than they will actually print. Using Photoshop is the easiest way to change your images from RGB to CMYK very quickly. Open the file and click Image > Mode > CMYK color. This will convert the color values and make the image printer friendly.
It is important to always use high-resolution images when creating a printed piece. The higher the resolution, the sharper your image will look. Ideal image resolution is 300dpi. To see what the resolution of an image is, or to change it, open it in Photoshop. Click Image > Image Size and a dialogue box will appear that tells you how big the image is. Note that if you change the resolution, the size of the image itself will also change.
Pictures and graphics pulled from the internet are often low resolution, typically 72 dpi or 96 dpi. Avoid these graphics, as they will appear pixilated and blocky when printed.

Color mode is CMYK
Embed all images and fonts
Images are at least 300 DPI. For signage, banners and posters 150 DPI
Bleed as needed all around page
Single pages
Solid Blacks are Rich Black : build for Rich Black is K:100 C:30 M:20 Y:20
Black text is Black only not RGB or CMYK